Andreas who?

I’m an information architect, a teacher, and a researcher.

I was trained as an architect at the Politecnico di Milano, in Milan, Italy, and I hold a PhD in Legal Informatics from the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, in Bologna, Italy. My master’s thesis and early research focused on morphogenetic design and the concept of sacred spaces, and my PhD dissertation centered on the reconceptualization and redesign of the Irnerio online digital library that provides access to the three hundred medieval manuscripts of common law belonging to the Royal College of Spain in Bologna.

I have been practicing information architecture since 1999 for clients large and small in Italy and Europe and I ran my own small studio with a partner in the early 2000s. I’m a former FatDUX associate, and I’m currently an associate professor of information architecture and experience design at the Department of Intelligent Systems and Digital Design at Halmstad University in Halmstad, Sweden. Before that, I was a senior lecturer and the program director for the Master’s in Information Architecture and Innovation at Jönköping International Business School and the Director of Research and Innovation for the Center for Co-production, part of the School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden.

I teach courses and supervise graduate and postgraduate students working with information architecture, blended experiences, digital / physical experience design, game design and serious games, systems thinking, service design, digital transformation, and interaction design.

Andreas in Iceland

My own research focuses on information architecture, game design and experience design, the concepts of space, place, and place-making in blended spaces, and the postdigital condition. I’ve been working on a number of different national and international projects in Italy and Sweden, including the EU-funded ESTRELLA, TRIAS, HE-LP, and ISET; I was WP leader for the Prosperity 4 All (P4A) project, a contributing writer for the dissemination and outreach project FOOTPRINT, a member of the digital transformation project TTAAA, and a co-lead for Smart Housing Småland’s Office of the Future initiative. I was involved in international practice-led projects such as the proposed redesign of the Johannesburg Art Gallery in Johannesburg, South Africa, and designed the creative studio at JIBS, part of nationally-funded projects supporting studio methods in research, education, and collaboration with the industry.

I’m one of the founders of Architecta, the Italian Society for Information Architecture, and I served two terms as the president of the Board of Directors of the now dissolved Information Architecture Institute, where among other things I reimagined the research awards and helped create World IA Day. I have chaired and co-chaired design conferences and design tracks, and was the originator of the Academics / Practitioners Roundtable which ran between 2013 and 2021 as part of the IA Summit and IA Conference.

I wrote Pervasive Information Architecture: Designing Cross-channel User Experiences with Luca Rosati, published by Morgan Kaufmann in 2011, Reframing information Architecture, published by Springer in 2014, and Advances in Information Architecture with Sarah Rice and Bern Irizarry, published again by Springer in 2021. I contributed chapters to a number of other books and I regularly publish both academic and practice-oriented articles and papers.

I teach masterclasses and workshops for both academic and professional audiences, and regularly speak or keynote at industry and academic conferences. I also make things, quite a lot of them games in more recent years, try to keep up my piano playing, pretend I can play a guitar, read (way) too much for my own good, and play more than my fair share of board games and video games.

Page last updated: April 27 2023 :: inget dåligt väder bara dåliga kläder
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2005—2024 Andreas Resmini