Books & articles
This page covers my books and my academic publications. All other writing is slowly being added to the blog section and all speaking
engagements will be added to the speaking section.
You can also read more about Pervasive Information Architecture at Amazon,
or visit Springer and download a sample chapter from Reframing Information Architecture.
If you have a ResearchGate account, some of my papers are already available there, but consider
I’m not updating RG regularly.
Resmini, A., Rice, S. A., and Irizarry, B. (2021). Advances in Information Architecture: The Academics / Practitioners Roundtable 2014–2019. Springer.
Resmini, A. (2014). Reframing Information Architecture. Springer.
Resmini, A. and Rosati, L. (2011). Pervasive Information Architecture – Designing Cross-channel User Experiences. Morgan Kaufmann.
Resmini, A. (2010). Information Architecture Modeling for Historical and Juridical Manuscript Collections. CIRSFID – Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. PhD dissertation.
Chapters in books
Resmini, A., Quintarelli, E., and Rosati, L. (2007). FaceTag. In Kalbach, J. Designing Web Navigation. O’Reilly.
Resmini, A. (2007). Del wayfinding (On Wayfinding). In Rosati, L. Architettura dell’Informazione. Apogeo Editore.
Resmini, A. (2010). Hundred and Ten. In Jursa, J. (ed). UX Storytellers. Amazon.
Resmini, A., Quintarelli, E., and Rosati, L. (2008). The FaceTag Engine. In Zambelli, M., A. Janowiak, H. Neuckermans (eds). Browsing Architecture: Metadata and Beyond. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag. Pp. 204–217.
Resmini, A. and Rosati, L. (2009). The Semantic Environment – Heuristics for a Cross-Context Human-Information Interaction Model. In Dubois, L. et al. (eds). The Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems. Springer. Pp. 79–99.
Resmini, A. (2013). Ghost in the shell – Navigation, meaning, and placemaking in information space. In Slavic, A. et al (eds). Classification and Visualization. Ergon.
Resmini, A. (2015). Luoghi ed ecosistemi – Vivere il post-digitale (Places and ecosystems – Living in the postdigital world). In Arcagni, S. (ed). I media digitali e l–interazione uomo-macchina. Aracne Editrice.
Lindenfalk, B. and Resmini, A. (2019). Mapping an ambient assisted living service as a seamful cross-channel ecosystem. In Pfannstiel, M. and Rasche, M. (eds) Service design and service thinking in healthcare and hospital management: Theory, concepts, practice. Springer. Pp. 289–314.
Resmini, A. and Lindenfalk, B. (forthcoming). Mapping experience ecosystems as emergent actor-created spaces. In Chbeir, R. (ed) Advances in Intelligent Digital Ecosystems. Springer.
Selected articles
Resmini, A., Quintarelli, E., and Rosati, L. (2007). FaceTag. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 33. No. 5.
Resmini, A. and Rosati, L. (2008). The Semantic Retail. Knowledge Organization. Vol. 35. No. 1. Pp. 5–15.
Resmini, A. and Rosati, L. (2009). Information Architecture for Ubiquitous Ecologies. Proceedings of the 1st International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES’09). Lyon. Pp. 196–199.
Resmini, A., Fenn, T., and Hobbs, J. (2010). Maturing a Practice. Journal of Information Architecture. Vol. 2. No. 1.
Resmini, A. & Rosati, L. (2011). Beyond Flatland – From product to ecosystem. A model for designing and analyzing multidimensional information spaces. Proceedings of Media Mutations 3. Bologna.
Resmini, A. and Rosati, L. (2011). A Brief History of Information Architecture. Journal of Information Architecture. Vol. 3. No. 2.
Resmini, A. (2012). All Aboard: A Cross-channel Approach to the Gamification of Public Transport. Interaction12. Dublin.
Resmini, A. (2012) Information Architecture in the Age of Complexity. Bulletin of the American Society for Science and Technology. Volume 39. Issue 1.
Resmini, A. and Carlsson, B. (2013). Teaching Systems. Proceedings of RSD2: Emerging Contexts for Systemic Design, Relating Systems Thinking and Design Conference 2013. Oslo.
Resmini, A. (2013). Per una storia breve dell’architettura dell’informazione. Problemi dell’informazione. Vol. 1/2013. Pp. 63–76.
Resmini, A. and Lindenfalk, B. (2014). Teaching Systems – Getting future entrepreneurs to see the big picture. Formakademisk. Vol. 7. No. 3.
Resmini, A. (2014). The Architecture of Information. Etudes de Communication. Vol. 41. No. 2. Pp. 32–56.
Benyon, D. & Resmini, A. (2015). Blended spaces and cross-channel ecosystems. ACM Creativity and Cognition 2015. Glasgow.
Tan, H., Resmini, A., Tarasov, V. and Adlemo, A. (2015). Workplace Innovation in Swedish Local Organizations – Technology Aspect. In Seigerroth, U., Sandkuhl, K. (eds). Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 228. Pp. 139–147.
Lindenfalk, B and Resmini, A. (2016). The Myth that is Service. Proceedings of ServDes16.
Resmini, A. (2016). The Ethics and Politics of Information Architecture. ASIS&T Information Architecture Summit 2016.
Resmini, A. and Benyon, D. (2016). Designing Cross-channel Ecosystems. NordiCHI 16.
Benyon, D. and Resmini, A. (2016). Public Transport Commuting as a Cross-channel Experience in Blended Space. NordiCHI 16.
Resmini, A. (2016). I work here: Cross-channel, blended spaces, and the challenges of digimodernism. Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 42. No. 1.
Resmini, A. and Lacerda, F. (2016). The Architecture of Cross-channel Ecosystems. Proceedings of the 8th International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES’16).
Resmini, A., Tan, H., Tarasov, V. and Adlemo, A. (2016). #ViewFromTheOffice – Reconceptualizing the Workplace as an Information-based Ecosystem. Proceedings of the 6th STS Conference on Socio-technical Ecosystems.
Benyon, D. and Resmini, A. (2017). User experience in cross-channel ecosystems. Proceedings of the British HCI 2017 (Proposed for best paper).
Resmini, A. and Burford, S. (2017). Cross-channel information architecture for a world exposition. International Journal of Information Management. Vol.37(6). Pp. 547–552.
Lacerda, F., Mamede L. M., and Resmini, A. (2018). An information architecture framework for the Internet of Things. Philosophy and Technology. Pp. 1–18.
Resmini, A. (2018). Making the gap visible: The M3 model and the necessity of a common language. In Reeves, S. & Ljungblad, S. (eds) Proceedings of the Nottingham Symposium on Connecting HCI and UX – 19th-20th November 2015. Mixed Reality Lab, University of Nottingham.
Resmini, A. and Klyn, D. (2019). The Spatial Turn and Information Architecture. 20th Information Architecture Conference, Orlando, USA.
Resmini, A. and Lindenfalk, B. (2019). “We need an internet connection” – A systemic process for the exploration of a transformative physical-digital environment as a blended space. Design Innovation Management Conference 2019. London, UK.
McCauley, B., Resmini, A., Lindenfalk, B. and Thong, L. P. (submitted) Green Turtle Hero: Designing an educational mobile game for social change. Information Technology and People.