Andreas Resmini

Information architect, teacher, researcher

Compulsive reader, pensive writer, propulsive piano player, architect and designer.
Author of “Pervasive Information Architecture”, “Reframing Information Architecture”, and Advances in Information Architecture. Two-times past president of the Information Architecture Institute, co-founded the Journal of Information Architecture, Architecta, the Italian Society for Information Architecture, the Academic / Practitioner Information Architecture Roundtable, and World IA Day.
Placemaking in blended spaces, tabletop games, videogames and serious games, WWII submarine warfare, Tolkien, the Whitechapel murders, and the Titanic.

Classical to contemporary information architecture — My reflections on the evolution of information architecture in preparation for 24 Hours of UX 2023

The Design Games Framework — A quick intro to using games to explore experiences from the workshop at UXLX 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal

The end of the world as we know it — Transcript of my World Usability Day 2019 closing keynote at Microsoft House, in Milan, Italy :: inget dåligt väder bara dåliga kläder
All content available under the CC BY NC SA license
2005—2024 Andreas Resmini